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Showing posts from March, 2020

The Time Machine IV: The Attack of the Police

Continued from preview... Eric:  We tried to time travel to 1984 Darren:   1980 Eric:  Ok, 1980 Darren:   Protecting us? The Time Officers are POLICE that PREVENT us from time traveling! Eric:  Why? We have freedom to time travel. Darren:   Besides, TIME MACHINES weren’t invented at that time! Eric:  At 1980, there was no time machine. Darren:  At 2030, the time machine business just STARTED, which is our Present Time! Eric:  You invented the time machine? Darren:   [Yes!]  Eric:  Good for you! Eric:  You are an entrepreneur. Eric:  You are an inventor. Darren:  Why do you ask? Eric:  Cause I thought it was you Eric:  Are u a billionaire? Darren:   Si Darren:   Si is yes in Spanish. Eric:  Ok Darren:   A hotel! We could live there until we have something to power our time machine with to go back to 2030! Eric:  Great! Eri...

The Time Machine III: The Time Editors

A few Years Before the Second Episode but one day After the First Episode... Continued From Preview... Darren:  Ok!  I've set the Time Coder to September 14,  1975 at 11:37 am Eric:  Let us go there!  To the PAST! Whoosh!  Present Time:  September 14,  1975 Eric:  It is 09/15/1976.  I mean..  1975!  We are here! Darren:  Correct!  And that's GREAT! Eric:  But...  Where are we? Darren:  Invisibility rolls in!  I mean...  On! Beep!  Beep! Beep! Eric:  We are invisible! Darren:  We are in Palo Alto,  California Eric:  I saw Steve Job's house there Darren:  And there is the that I still didn't own my house in 1975! Eric:  Where is it?  I want to see it!  Is it a new building? Darren:  At the left! Darren's MANSION shown below Eric:  Cool!  I saw it.  I like it!  A mansion! Darren:  Beck had the BEST M...

The Night in the DARK

WARNING!  SOME CREEPS MAY LEAD TO MAJOR NIGHTMARES UNDER 18 YEARS OLD! CHAPTER 1:  Danger in Augusta,  Maine The State Statue of Augusta is an important statue that represents the Honor of Heaven.  But there was an unexpected Catholical Volcano Eruption (Such GEEKY words!) last night.  That means that Maine (The place where the Cathlocal Volcano Eruption happened) is getting CONTROLLED by the EVIL empire underground - Hell This is the worst thing I am about to go through in my LIFE!  (I know I haven't introduced myself to you,  the reader.  My name is Tietio Ablanehtale Aliado Roradiono.  Born in Spain,  my family moved to Maine.  Hey!  That rhymes!) Wait a minute!  The storm is a COMBINATION of a Catholical Volcano Eruption and a thunderstorm!   The Clever Engineer - Darren is in the 2nd WORST place in the COUNTRY - California I (Pronounced short "E") -htinia is a heav- country.  But it's BAD ...

The Time Machine II: Trapped in the Lost World KL22.ICPSNEMTUICMB_TR

A few Years Later... Darren:  Turbo! Darren says T.S.L's first name;  PRIVATELY. Darren climbs up the ladder,  but the ladder falls. T.S.L:  Dad! T.S.L uses one of Darren's inventions to save his dad! (Darren)  The Velocimegalatyrannonicroseexenosoraptor Rex is a dinosaur that Darren made up and doesn't exist in real life,  but Darren is surprised when that MIGHTY Robo-Dinosaur starts attacking people!  So Darren decides to make it grow and reproduce in the Cretaceous period,  and sure enough,  he made a successful journey to the Cretaceous period and back! 😅  CHAPTER 1: A few days later... There was an earthquake a few days ago at Palo Alto,  California.  Broken houses EVERYWHERE.  But that didn't stop Dr.  Li Jr. (Darren) from making the WORLD'S 1st time machine. Darren:  Now,  as I proudly present...  The WORLD'S 1st time machine! See?  Oh, wait...  That happened in t...

DarrenPurple Bits: DANGER! Coronavirus now in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Warning!  This is not the correct date of when this post was created!  The correct date is:  Mar 31,  2020! So,  the Coronavirus is in America!  You will get this recording: The COVID-19 update is DANGEROUS!  Unlike regular SARS,  if the Coronovirus is down in Summer,  it might START BACK UP in Autumn!