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Keyun and I: The Extraterrestrial Creatures From the Ibishan Galaxy vs. The Evil Fairy!


To Keyun

The Story


Hi,  and my name is Darren.
I'm one of the protagonists in this story,  but my penpal is one of them too!  My penpal's name is Keyun.
A swirling and galactic space object have been reported to collide with the Earth!  Astronimists have found out it is a galaxy shrunk to the size of a comet!  The shrunk galaxy will enlarge back to its normal size when it exits the Milky Way!  The current name for this galactic space object is GUW1TIB-S1!

Hmm...  This doesn't feel right!  I'm gonna search on the computer!

Join an astronomy crew!
Aha!  Good!  I have now joined the astronomy crew!  πŸ˜ƒ
Huh?  A letter?

Dear Darren,

On the news,  it says that we are in trouble!



The Extraterrestrial Ibishans:  @#$#$%^^%%^^%^^^%%%^%^^%%%$$^^^%^^^%^%^^%^% !  😰
Translation:  We have come to earth to save the universe from an EVIL FAIRY!  😰 
Whoosh!  Bam!  A fairy flies into the galactic space object that brought the Ibishans!
The Fairy:  Haha!  The evil fairy is here!  πŸ˜…
The next day...

Hi!  Keyun!
Keyun:  Hi!
What-in-the-galactic-message?!  Crash-a-bam-a-crash!
Darn!  Now we have a wrecked house!  😰
Keyun:  And the extraterrestrial Ibishans!  They're in a war with...  I can't see clearly...  it looks like a...  A...  Dark fairy!  And the dark fairy might have an army!
Luke Skywalker's Force Ghost From Star Wars:  It's actually an evil fairy!
Luke Skywalker's Force Ghost From Star Wars shown below:
And look!  The Extraterrestrial Ibishans are fighting with the evil fairy and her army through a tornado...  😰
Run!  I have stormtroopers that can help us!
My stormtroopers are shown below:
They'll defeat the vampires while we defeat the powerful noob army!
                                                                                Vs. vampires
 Keyun and I vs.
We win!
The evil fairy:  No!  Help!  Let me go!


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