"We have lost signal! We have lost signal!" said Alessandro Rodrigo, a few hours after all of the systems of segment 5 failed. More danger was about to commence. Chapter 1 A British man in his 20s-30s, Mason Argall, used to be a C++ programmer at ESA, always programming voyagers. However, he regrets ever doing the job, and regrets that he never searched for a new job because, well, his boss never wants him to leave because in his own words, "Mason has been a great programmer since he got hired." In 2039, NASA needed new astronauts and Mason Argall knew this was the right opportunity so he left ESA, joined NASA, and he was actually hired! Chapter 2 It is 2040, and Mason has been astronaut for about a year! They were going aboard the DSUES-18 (Deep Space Universe Earth Searcher) which had 5 segments and a chamber. Segment 5 was literally a fuel storer! Here's how ...
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